inspections & testing
Structural Engineering is the primary service Potential Engineering, PC provides to its clients. Using the state-of-the art software, such as STAAD PRO and Tekla Structures, coupled with our extensive experience, Potential Engineering, PC delivers high quality projects, competitively, efficiently, and cost effectively.
We are team oriented professional corporation that understands the interactions between different disciplines to accomplish a task and complete a project. Our services extend from planning phases to closeouts, with all the other intermediate phases covered to the satisfaction of our clients.
Our clients include individuals, professionals, contractors, private corporations, businesses, and agencies.
Clients - Private Corporations, Individual Owners, Public Foundations, Government Agencies.
Constructions types- Construction Defects, Water Proofing, Soil Investigation, Strengthening and Repairs, Approved NYC Special Inspection Agency (PSG).
Project Budgets - $ 10,000 to $ 9 Million USD
approved Special Inspection Agency Subsidiary - Professional Solutions Group (PSG)
Our team of dedicated professionals, which include New York State Professional Engineers, Expert Drillers and Certified Inspectors and Technicians with more than 30 years of experience in Soil Investigation, Construction Inspection and Design.
We have extensive experience in conducting soil borings for Geo-technical, Structural, Environmental and other engineering purposes. We install Ground Water Monitoring Wells, conduct Soil Percolation and Permeability tests for drywall installation.
We also perform Inspections during various stages of construction, such as: Structural Steel, Concrete and Masonry, Vibration Monitoring for pile driving, Cracks Development Monitoring. our Certified Inspectors use advanced methods and comprehensive equipment that significantly expedites field testing and inspection.
• Soil Percolation Tests & Soil Bearing Capacity
• Installation of Ground Water Monitoring Wells
• Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
• Soil Sampling and Collection for Environmental Analysis
• Vibration and Noise Monitoring
• Cracks Monitoring
• Core Drilling in Concrete
• Concrete and Soil Testing
• Engineering Design and Analysis
◦ Underpinning
◦ Shoring, Bracing, Sheeting
◦ Retaining Walls
• Geotechnical Subsurface Investigations
◦ Structural Soil Borings
◦ Drywell Borings
◦ Soil Classifications
◦ Geo-technical Reports
• Laboratory Services
◦ Soil, Concrete, Aggregate
• Construction Inspection and Testing
◦ Structural Steel
◦ Concrete
◦ Reinforced Masonry
◦ Soil